David Newport

Candidate for Southern Downs

Hello, I’m David, your Greens candidate for Southern Downs.

I was born in, and went to school in Allora, only moving to Brisbane when I got a job as a Mechanical Engineer with Queensland Rail. I retain a connection to “the Downs” by owning and operating a small farm at Spring Creek, as well as through my family and friends.  

Coming from a family that has been farming on the same land on Keinjan, Giabel and Githabul Country for over 100 years, it is obvious that the climate is becoming ever more erratic, with longer droughts punctuated by more intense wets. During my time working for Queensland Rail, watching coal train after 2-kilometer-long coal train go by, day and night, left no room for doubt as to the cause.

I am deeply disappointed that the current government has largely left renewable energy generation to the vagaries of private investors – providing energy is a public service and should be publicly owned

The Greens will stop the build of new coal mines and gas wells - preserving our clean air, water and healthy soil. We’ll ensure a just transition for workers into long-term, stable jobs and protect our communities.

Our transport networks have been neglected by a succession of governments – at one time Allora had four train services a day, now the bridge into town hasn’t been repaired since the embankment was washed away in the 2011 floods. I will fight to provide our community with free and frequent public transport and funding for repairs where needed.

Unlike other parties, the Greens do not accept corporate donations, so I will work for you - not cower to pressure from wealthy corporations and rich developers. Our communities must always come before their profits. 

We’ll make corporations pay their fair share and we will use that money to build public homes, fully fund schools, provide free childcare, healthcare and essential services. We’ll also freeze rents and cap increases.

The Greens will make groceries cheaper and ensure suppliers get a fair price, by breaking up the duopoly power of Coles and Woolworths and stopping corporate price gouging. We’ll take back control of our economy by bringing key infrastructure and services into public ownership

If we keep voting for the same old parties, we’ll keep getting the same results. I have practical experience and will listen to your concerns and help make decisions for the benefit of our community. Will you help me?