Jordan Martin

Candidate for Kurwongbah

Hey there, I’m Jordan and I’m your candidate for Kurwongbah.

I’ve been a proud Kurwongbah local for the best part of 25 years. I love living in this area, and I love living in our beautiful state of Queensland.

But lately I’ve been growing worried about the future of our state. The cost of living is spiralling out of control. Housing prices are catastrophic. The major parties have shown that they lack the courage to stand up to their big corporate donors, and put us, the people, first.

This election is our chance for change. 

The Greens will take on the big corporations that are ripping off Queenslanders. We’ll make them pay their fair share in tax. Then with that revenue, we will build 100,000 new homes and make our schools and healthcare genuinely free.

We’ll tackle the cost of living crisis by stopping price gouging on essentials. We’ll freeze rents and cap increases, cut power bills with 100% publicly owned renewable energy and introduce free public transport.

It’s time to clean up politics and hold the powerful to account. It’s time they govern for us - not their wealthy donors. The Greens don’t take corporate donations so we represent you - not vested interests.

Will you join me and be part of this exciting change in Queensland?