Property prices and rents are growing way faster than wages.
It's putting home ownership even further out of reach for millions of renters and hopeful first home buyers.
Meanwhile, Labor and the Liberals still support tax handouts for big property investors – including negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount.
These tax handouts mean it’s easier for a big property investor to buy their 7th property than it is for you to buy your first home.
But we know that pressure works.
Labor changed their position on the stage 3 tax cuts, and now they need to change their position on negative gearing and capital gains tax.
The Greens have a plan to make house prices and rents cheaper, and we can do that by freezing rents, phasing out negative gearing and capital gains tax discounts and investing that money in public housing instead.
Join us in calling for an end to dodgy tax handouts for big property investors.