Wipe All Student Debt


Student debt is a whopping $81 billion. No more tinkering around the edges: wipe it all, now.

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Student debt is spiralling out of control in Australia.

Millions of people have debts growing faster than they can pay them off. And now total student debt sits at a whopping $81 billion.

You’re struggling to pay your rent and afford food, all while your student debt is taking an ever larger chunk of your paycheck.

Education should not be a debt sentence.

Yet neither of the major parties will make the changes that millions with student debts desperately need.

Both have overseen massive increases in student debt over many decades. Yet many politicians, including Anthony Albanese, had the privilege of going to uni for free.

That’s why the Greens will:

  • Wipe all student debt, putting $5,500 directly back into your pocket a year
  • Make TAFE and university free for all
  • Tax the big corporations that are profiting from the cost of living crisis to pay for it

We can pay for this plan by making them finally pay their fair share of tax – ensuring you can get the quality education that you deserve for free.