Our campaigns

Together, we are building a future for all of us.


No Nuclear, No More Coal & Gas

We must fight back against the major parties' attempts to distract us. We need a clean energy plan – not dirty and expensive nuclear, coal & gas.

Make Price Gouging Illegal

We’re being ripped off by big corporations, who are raking in massive profits during a cost of living crisis.

Fix the Housing Crisis

Rents are increasing at a record pace, while millions remain locked out of the housing market.

Legalise Cannabis

We know there is a hunger for change. The Greens will keep pushing to make this law and finally legalise it across Australia.

Rent Freeze Now

Under Labor, the housing crisis is getting worse. It's time to make unlimited rent increases illegal.

Save our NDIS

Help us protect our NDIS from anyone who tries to strip it of what it needs to thrive.

Casuals Deserve Paid Leave

Everyone should be able to take a break from work without fear of losing their job.

Make Menopause Treatment Affordable

Let's transform how menopause is perceived, addressed and treated in this country.

Get Out of AUKUS

The only guarantees of the AUKUS agreement are nuclear waste, taxpayer waste and a nuclear target on Australia's back. It's time to get out, now.

Free Whistleblower David McBride

His only crime was telling the truth about war crimes. He must be pardoned now.

Fix Family Reunion Visas

It's time to make Australia's broken visa processing system faster, fairer and more affordable.

No Nuclear Submarines

We must never allow our communities to be nuclearised.

Truth & Justice Commission

Telling the truth is a critical first step to healing and bringing our country together. It's time for a Truth & Justice Commission.

50 Cent Fares

Making public transport fares just 50 cents would save the average household thousands each year.

Deliver Cheaper Mortgages

The Greens' HomeKeeper plan will stop the big banks' super-profits and deliver a discount mortgage for homeowners doing it tough.

Dental into Medicare

Dental healthcare is essential healthcare. It's time to make it free under Medicare.

End Consultancy Conflicts of Interest

It’s time to ban political donations from government contractors, stop the revolving door, and reinvest in expertise in our public service.

Keep Sport Free To Watch

Free-to-watch sport is under threat. Join us to stop Labor's new laws that would lock sports behind a Murdoch paywall.

End Period Poverty

Period products are a necessity, not a luxury. It's time to make them free.

Keep Dutton Out

Together, we can stop Dutton and build a future where people, not billionaires, come first.

Stronger Paid Leave for Workers

Australia is falling behind comparable economies. Workers deserve better access to paid time-off, better pay, and reduced hours of work.

Protect Renters Rights

We need a National Renters Protect Authority to fight for renters rights.

Brisbane Flight Noise

It's time to turn down the volume on flight noise over Brisbane

Ban Greyhound Exports

Export of Australian greyhounds for commercial purposes puts dogs at risk of cruelty, abuse and neglect. A ban is long overdue.

End Tax Handouts for Big Property Investors

The system is stacked against renters and first home buyers. It's time to phase out negative gearing.

End Dirty Donations

Parliament should serve the best interests of all Australians. Those with wealth shouldn’t be able to buy political influence on issues that matter to us all.

Clean Up Fish Farming

Tasmania’s coastal waters are being polluted, marine life is being driven to the brink of extinction, and our communities are being ignored.

Lower the Voting Age

It’s time to lower the voting age to 16 and give young people a real say in our democracy.

Pay Students for Placements

Demand that the Federal Government ensure all students are paid for required placements.

Improve Abortion Access

While abortion is now legal across the country, whether or not you can actually access one is a postcode lottery. This must change.

Repeal Labor's Anti-Refugee Laws

Labor’s laws will whip up racism and divide Australia.

Save Our Public Schools

Only 1.3% of public schools receive the minimum funding they need, while governments are overfunding 98% of private schools. It makes no sense.

Protect Our Nature & Wildlife

Something has to give before our iconic wildlife like the koala, greater glider and swift parrot are lost forever.

ADHD & Autism Diagnosis into Medicare

Join our call to make ADHD and autism diagnosis free under Medicare.

Stop Military Exports to Israel

Australia should not be fueling war crimes.

End Murdoch's Media Monopoly

Australia has one of the most concentrated media markets in the world and it’s bad for our democracy.

End the Occupation of Palestine

Peace means a permanent end to the State of Israel's illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Electoral Reform Now

At the moment, our democracy is for sale. Politicians should work for all of us, but instead they work in the interests of their big corporate donors.

Save Our Koalas

We must stop koala habitat clearing to protect our national treasure.

Stop the Extinction Crisis

Centuries of destruction of habitat combined with escalating impacts of climate change, bushfires and deforestation are pushing endangered wildlife to the brink.

Make Childcare Free

Early education and care is a nightmare for Australian families. It is too expensive, too hard to access and impossible to navigate.

No New Offshore Oil & Gas

We must fight to protect Australia's coastline from new oil and gas. Are you in?

Tax the Big Corporations

It's time to tax the massive profits of big corporations to fund cost of living relief for ordinary people.

Stop Hate

Help us protect LGBTIQA+ kids and teachers from discrimination

Fully Fund Our ABC

Around half a billion dollars has been cut from our national broadcaster – the ABC – over the last 4 decades.

4-Day Work Week

A 4-day work week would reduce burnout and encourage a work-life balance that leaves more time for the important things in life.

Protect Protest

Standing up for a better world is not a crime. Call on the government to repeal all anti-protest laws and protect this fundamental right.

Clean Up Politics

Money shouldn’t be able to buy government contracts, development approvals, political access or political influence.

Create a Public Property Developer

Housing supply should not be left to private developers. It's time for government to get back in the business of building homes.

It's Time for Truth & Treaty

It's time to right the wrongs of this nation’s past and move forward together.

End Police Investigating Police

We need an independent inquiry into the conduct of the Australian Federal Police.

Julian Assange is Free

For years, an Australian journalist languished in prison following US espionage charges. It's time to learn from his experience and fix our laws.

Disability Justice

Disabled people deserve representatives in Parliament, community-led events free from corporate profiteering, and well-funded advocacy organisations.

GP for Free

It's become harder than ever to find a bulk-billing GP. We will make it so everyone can see the GP for free again.

Protect Truth Tellers

Australia's whistleblower laws should protect brave truth tellers, not send them to jail.

End Native Forest Logging

Our environmental laws are failing to protect Australia’s native forests.

Free Mental Healthcare

Everyone should be access the mental healthcare they need, when they need it.

Save the Murray-Darling

The Murray Darling Basin, our country’s lifeblood, is dying. We need answers, now!

Increase JobSeeker

JobSeeker is currently 50% below the poverty line – and it's barely changed since 1994. People are living in poverty and this has to change.

Wipe All Student Debt

Student debt is spiralling out control. Everyone should be access the education they deserve for free.

Fix Employment Services

Measures like mutual obligations prevent people from getting the help they need while costing a huge amount of money to implement.

End Offshore Detention

All of us, including those fleeing war-torn countries, have the right to live free from danger.

Shut Child Prisons

Children as young as 10 are locked in prisons across Australia – children that deserve a chance to grow up safe and strong with family and community

End Gendered Violence & Inequality

Women should enjoy equality with men in all aspects of their lives and in our society.

Just Test It

Community-based pill testing will save lives. We cannot wait any longer.

End Gambling Harm

We need to ban all gambling ads and establish a national regulator.

Shut down horse racing

The gambling-fuelled commercial horse racing industry is inhumane, deadly and incompatible with animal welfare.

Decolonise International Aid

Australia has failed the Global South. It is time to reimagine international aid.

Support Artists & Creatives

Too many artists face insecure work and underfunding, making it difficult to create the art that enriches our lives.

Protect the Great Southern Reef

We must protect one of Australia’s most critical marine ecosystems.

Stop Ableism in Immigration

Join the campaign to stop ableism in Australia's immigration system.

Waste Free Future

Waste is a design flaw. The Greens have a clear plan to clean up Australia and create new green jobs.