Australian Greens condemn recent violence against West Papuans


Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale today condemned the recent deaths of at least six West Papuans who were killed by the Indonesian military while peacefully protesting, and another who was murdered by militia in his student dormitory.  
“The Indonesian government’s latest violent crackdown on the West Papuan people is appalling. West Papuans have simply been demonstrating against systematic racism and the colonisation of their country. They should not have to pay with their lives for doing so. My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones, and those who have been hurt,” Di Natale said.
“I call on the Australian government to speak out for our West Papuan neighbours. It’s time to tell the Indonesian government to withdraw its combat troops from West Papua, to allow the UN Human Rights Commissioner to visit West Papua, and to restore Internet access to West Papuans. It’s quite clear that the Indonesian government is concealing its human rights abuses. The Australian government must end its complicity in these abuses by no longer training Indonesian security forces who have a record of committing atrocities.”
“I want to send this clear message to the West Papuan people: many Australians support your right to self-determination and your right to live without fear and violence. We are working hard to make sure that this Government does the right thing, just as it eventually did with Timor Leste, and supports your right to self-determination through a free and fair referendum.”