Greens launch campaign to protect the public service


Greens spokesperson for the public service, Adam Bandt MP, has responded to the Prime Minister’s upcoming speech by launching a new campaign to protect the public service.
“Under the major parties, our public service has been privatised by stealth, with jobs cut, government departments hollowed out and work palmed off to the ‘Big 4’ consulting firms in exchange for massive donations,” said Mr Bandt
“Scott Morrison’s thinly veiled threats to public servants threaten the future of frank and fearless advice.
“It’s not public servants who aren’t trusted, it’s politicians like Scott Morrison.
“Scott Morrison wants the public service to be the eggs to his bacon, but a productive public service cannot succeed under the constant fear of being sent to the abattoir.
“The Greens will take up the fight to this government to protect the public service. Today we’re launching our campaign to restore a strong public service through restored staffing levels, the abolition of staffing caps, increased public servant pay and enshrining the right to freedom of political expression for public servants in the law.”