Make a submission to the school funding bill inquiry

this is the last chance we have to save australia's public schools.

Labor's public school funding bill has just been released – and it’s bad news.

The bill will lock in another decade of underfunding for public schools.

Currently, the Commonwealth funds 20% of what public schools need to deliver the bare minimum education. The states and territories are meant to tip in the remaining 80%.

But except for the ACT, no state or territory is meeting its full contribution.

In 2023, public school students across Australia were underfunded by $4.5 billion. That means teacher shortages, not enough support and resources in the classroom, crumbling infrastructure and rising out-of-pocket costs.

Meanwhile, Labor doles out $51 million a day to fee-charging private schools.


The Greens, teachers, parents and experts have been calling for the Commonwealth – which has the deepest pockets – to up its share of public school funding to at least 25% if we're to have any chance of unwinding our two-tier school system.

But Labor's bill keeps the default funding amount at only 20% – and will keep public schools underfunded for another generation!

The bill has been referred to a Senate Parliamentary Inquiry.

This is the chance for teachers, parents, carers and anyone who thinks that a good public education is the bedrock of fair and just society to make a submission and tell Labor that they need to do better.

Submissions close on Thursday 24 October so be quick!

Tips for writing a good submission

Your submission should:

  • Clearly address the provisions of the Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024. Submissions that do not directly address the Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024 will not be accepted by the committee for the purposes of this inquiry.
  • Outline why you believe public schools should be fully funded and why Labor’s proposed floor of 20% federal funding falls short. Include any specific thoughts you have about the bill. You could address for example: 
    • why public education is important to you
    • why you believe the federal government should invest more in public schools
    • whether you believe elite private schools should receive more money from the federal government than public schools
    • how public schools in your community have suffered from chronic underfunding
    • whether the government should lock in a higher ‘floor’ for public school funding of 25%, to make sure funding can never drop below that level
  • Where relevant, include information about your position or the organisation you represent.

Don’t forget - submissions close Thursday 24 October!



Privacy & Accessibility

Privacy options available for submissions 

Only include information you would be happy to see published on the internet.

If you do not want your name published on the internet, or if you want your submission to be kept confidential, you should include the word confidential clearly on the front of your submission and provide a reason for your request. Confidential submissions are only read by members of the committee and the secretariat.

Alternatively, you can request the committee publish your submission, but with your name redacted. You should also include that request in your submission.

  • If you are submitting this way, make sure that your name and contact details are on a separate page and not in the main part of your submission. Try not to include too much identifying information in the main part of your submission.
  • The committee will consider your request but the committee has the authority to publish any submission. The secretariat will contact you if the committee wants to publish something you have asked to be kept confidential.

If you have any questions about submitting confidentially or with your name withheld, get in touch with the Committee Secretariat on (02) 6277 3521 or


If you have any questions or specific accessibility needs to participate in the inquiry, get in touch with the Committee Secretariat on (02) 6277 3521 or

Further information regarding accessibility can be found at 

Making a submission

There are two ways you can make a submission to the inquiry: by lodging it through the My Parliament portal or sending it directly to the committee via email.

The method you use is completely up to you: either way, your submission will end up where it needs to be! Making a submission via the My Parliament portal is generally more secure and suitable for uploading sensitive and confidential material.

Making a submission via the My Parliament portal

STEP 1: Create a ‘My Parliament’ account (or log in)

Register for a My Parliament account. If you already have one, please log in

STEP 2: Upload your submission

  • Open the Make a Submission page, where you’ll be presented a list of inquiries.
  • Scroll down until you see ‘Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024 [Provisions]’, select it, and click next.
  • You will be presented with the option to make your submission as an individual or on behalf of an organisation. Select the relevant option and fill out any extra details needed. 
  • After that, you will be presented with options around the confidentiality of your submission. Read more about Privacy options. Once you have made your preference, click next.

STEP 3. Submit

Attach your written submission about the Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024, click submit and you’re all done!

If you are having issues with the My Parliament system you can email your submission.

Make your submission
via My Parliament

Making a submission via email

STEP 1: Write your submission

Use the above guidelines to write an amazing submission about the Better and Fairer Schools (Funding and Reform) Bill 2024.

STEP 2: Email it to the committee

Email your submission to

Tracking the inquiry

Each submission needs to be personally processed by the team in Parliament House - and we know there are a lot of you who want to have their say on this bill. That means there may be some time between you submitting your thoughts and them being reflected online.

The best way to check to see how the inquiry is progressing and whether your submission has been accepted is to follow the inquiry – visit the inquiry page and click ‘Track This Inquiry’. You will need to sign into a My Parliament account.

And you can sign up below for campaign updates!

Save our public schools

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