Restore integrity to politics

Politicians should work for all of us, not just big donors and party power-brokers.

With more Greens in Parliament we’ll hold the next government to account by introducing strong integrity, transparency and anti-corruption standards.

Your vote is powerful. We no longer have to sit by and accept dodgy politicians and the same old poor standards: together we can restore integrity to Victorian politics.

The Greens have already started by introducing a new bill to parliament that will bring Victoria's integrity standards up to scratch. We're calling on the Government to support and pass our bill.

Read more about the Greens' Integrity Bill

Beyond our Bill, we also have a plan to restore integrity to Victoria's parliament and hold the government to account. 

Our plan to restore integrity to government

  • Give Victoria's anti-corruption agency IBAC more teeth and more funding. 
  • Create an independent Parliamentary Integrity Commissioner to oversee MP behaviour.
  • Implement campaign spending caps and truth in political advertising laws, and end dodgy preference deals.
  • Publish ministerial diaries, so we all know who powerful politicians are meeting with.
  • Establish real rules and penalties for MPs, Ministers and lobbyists who do the wrong thing.


A recent report from Victoria’s corruption watchdog has detailed decades of extensive misconduct by Victorian Labor MPs, describing behaviour within the party as "egregious”: branch stacking, bullying, rorting of public money – the list goes on.

Earlier this year, the influence of lobbyists once again trumped the social good, as Victorian Labor – cowed by strident property industry opposition – backed down on a plan to make developers pay for more affordable housing.

Victorians deserve better than this.

It’s time to hold the government to account and restore integrity to our parliament.

And the Greens have a plan to get it done. 

join the call to restore integrity to politics

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