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Latest Greens win in the fight for
No More coal & Gas

The Greens have just stopped Labor's plans to fast-track new gas approvals, which would have let the Resources Minister sidestep environment laws and First Nations consent. Now we need to stop all future coal and gas approvals.

Tell Labor: No more coal & Gas

Get Involved

Our campaign is powered by people like you. Labor and the Liberals are funded by big corporations including coal & gas corporations, and property developers. The Greens are not. We have something more powerful – people.

We're fighting for you

Under Labor and the Liberals, 1 in 3 big corporations pay no tax.

We’ll tax them, end corporate price gouging and fund the things everyone needs.

Our Movement

We're people powered

Our big wins on the streets and in Parliament have been led by our amazing volunteers from coast to coast. But for us to succeed, we're going to need everyone to get involved. We need people like you to help us.
Sign up to volunteer today

Power up our movement

The Greens are powered by people like you, not big corporations. Donate today to help us make history!