Gambling Policy


1. People are entitled to choose to gamble.

2. Increased gambling has led to increased crime and public cost and must be properly regulated.

3. Self-regulation and voluntary codes of conduct have failed to protect the public interest.

4. Problem gambling is a serious public health issue that negatively affects individuals, families and communities.

5. Government should act to minimise exploitation and to help people overcome gambling problems.

6. Children should be protected from exposure to gambling.

7. Gambling regulation should be evidenced based. Gambling may impose a net cost on Victoria because of multiple externalities.

8. Government has a conflict of interest as regulator and taxing authority. This conflict has interfered with good governance.

9. The state budget should not depend on gambling revenue.

10. The prevalence and costs of problem gambling are directly related to the accessibility and characteristics of electronic gaming machines.

11. Video games and mobile apps that employ micro-transactions for chance-based items or perks (such as loot boxes) should be treated as gambling and held to the same policies as gambling 



1. A substantial reduction in the proportion of the population with gambling problems by:

  • a. Poker machines set at a $1 bet limit per spin, $20 machine load up limits, and $500 jackpot limits, as recommended by the Productivity Commission;
  • b. Implementing mandatory pre-commitment for poker machines, and other gambling where applicable;
  • c. Capping cash winnings payable by machine at $100, and winnings payable by a cashier at $250, with additional winnings being payable only by cheque;
  • d. A ban on provision of cash withdrawal facilities and services at pokies venues; and
  • e. A ban on incentives to gamble, including free food and drink.

2. A systematic reduction in revenue derived from gambling, with set goals over time.

3. Evidence based harm minimisation and product safety measures to reduce the development of problem gambling and to assist gamblers to limit their expenditure.

4. Develop gambling and harm minimisation strategies including for communities experiencing significant harms from gambling

5. A ban on all gambling advertising

6. Reform of regulation and approval, including recognition and support for local Council and Community moratorium on new gaming machines.

7.  A planned reduction of poker machine licences in pubs and clubs leading to the elimination of poker machines in neighbourhoods.

8. National Standards to avoid interstate 'competition' undermining proper regulation.

9. A strong and genuinely independent statutory gambling regulator to minimise social and economic costs, and to protect consumers and the public interest.

10. Assess and address the full social and economic costs of gambling, including policing gambling-associated crime and money-laundering.

11. Ban political donations from the gambling industry.


Gambling Policy as amended by State Council on 11th September 2021