Multiculturalism Policy


1. The realisation of justice for First Nations people is a foundation for a successful and inclusive multicultural society.

2. Multicultural representation, participation and belonging are essential to our society

3. Advancing multiculturalism strengthens social cohesion and opportunities for equal access and participation for all Victorians.

4. All people have equal rights in social, economic and cultural life.

5. All people have the right to practice their faith, language, and culture without harm to others; this is integral to social justice, participatory democracy, peace and community wellbeing.

6. Victoria’s multiculturalism should be fully reflected in the State’s social, economic and political institutions.

7. A healthy society values multiculturalism and celebrates diversity and difference.

8. Education is central to understanding and celebrating our diverse cultures.

9. Each of Victoria’s multicultural communities is diverse and complex, thus they are a rich source of inspiration and innovation.

10. Informed and respectful dialogue within and between communities and open public debate are a core part of encouraging harmony within and between different cultural groups.

11. Racism in all its manifestations is unacceptable. Victorian Government should combat racist  prejudice and discrimination in all facets of public life.

12. Structural disadvantage in multicultural communities is an injustice which requires measurable and community led affirmative action.

13. Government need to act as a model employer in addressing discrimination and racial inequality and employing a diverse workforce and leadership team.


State and Local Government and Community Services

1. Ensure that state and local governments community services are culturally informed and inclusive.

2. Increase resources for culturally inclusive local and state government programs and services.

3. Ensure regular consultations with refugee and migrant communities to inform policy development and service delivery.

4. Ensure all state and local government and community services staff receive adequate and up-to-date cultural intelligences training to enhance service delivery.

5. Provide equitable access to state and local government services for Victorians through the provision of interpreters and translators for all language groups, who should be independent wherever possible.

6. Data on cultural and linguistic diversty to be collected systemically, made universally accessible, and used to improve service delivery including targetted initiatives

7. Ensure comprehensive data collection on racial disparities, discrimination and hate crimes to inform government policy.

8. Give all communities equal opportunity for representation and inclusion at local and state levels of government.

9. Ensure same-gender professionals and translators are available if requested in areas of service provision where gender-sensitive issues may arise.

10. Support adequate resourcing of non-government refugee and migrant organisations and initiatives, to ensure services provided are accessible and responsive to the needs of community members.

Gender and Sexuality

11. Equal access to education, services, and social support in settlement for refugee and migrant women.

12. Support provision of tailored and culturally sensitive education programs on gender equality, women’s rights, and empowerment.

13. Increase funding for research into the incidence of family violence and sexual assault of culturally diverse women to inform policies and strategies for preventing and responding to violence, and culturally inclusive education to support the same.

14. Challenge stereotypes and promote active agency of refugee and migrant women so they can shape their own narrative.

15. Funded strategies to address the discrimination and marginalisation faced by LGBTIQA+ people from diverse cultural backgrounds.


16. Free English language programs that account for the diverse needs and learning abilities of migrants and refugees, provided in a flexible and accessible manner and for as long as needed.

17. Support education at all levels to include subjects on the culture and history of ethnic communities in Australia.

18. Adequately fund research and education that help to reduce race-based prejudice.

19. Support schools and tertiary institutions to offer local community, mothertongue, and indigenous languages.

20. Ensure universal access to basic civic education in both English and other community languages.

21. Ensure consistent, timely, fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory assessment and assurance of overseas qualifications of skilled migrants and refugees settling in Australia, with professional development made available where required.


22. Empower refugees and migrants to tell their own authentic stories in our media

23. Improve education of media professionals in the coverage and representation of migrants, refugees, and multicultural communities.

24. Improve funding for diverse multicultural programming in all forms of electronic and print media that promotes cross-cultural understanding and inclusion.

25. Greater funding and resources to increase cultural and linguistic diversity within all types of media, especially mainstream media.

26.Support media awards for portrayals which celebrate diversity and positively depict racial and ethnic communities

Industrial Relations, Employment and Law

27. Work towards ensuring equal access to employment and an end to discriminatory employment conditions for refugee and migrant communities.

28. Support research on barriers to equal access to employment particularly for refugee and migrant communities.

29  Specific support programs on employment and training initiatives for refugees and migrants.

30. Ensure migrants and refugees receive information sessions on employment laws, occupational health and safety, unions and their rights as workers in their preferred language.

31. Provide an accessible and fair justice system for refugees and migrants with access to culturally appropriate translation and support services.

32. Many migrants and refugees have had negative experiences with police in their home countries. Government and community service providers should be trained and entrusted to resolve situations without involving the police, where practical.

33. Increased accountability, integrity and transparency in police work should ensure reduction in racism and racial profiling in policing, especially anti-terrorism policing.

34. Ensure Victoria Police and Protective Services Officers have regular training about cultural awareness and unconscious bias.

35. Promote productive relations between Victoria Police and recently arrived communities, through Police Multicultural Liaison Officers and the recruitment of police from culturally diverse backgrounds. 


Multiculturalism Policy as amended by State Council on 19th March 2022.