Samantha Ratnam, Greens candidate for Wills.


    End the invasion of Gaza - Graphic
    "Stop Labor's coal and gas" graphic
    "Dental and mental health" graphic
    "Free uni and tafe" graphic

    Right now, things are getting worse. If you’re worried about the cost of rent, mortgages or food and you think the Labor government is failing to act, then you’re not alone.

    Labor has refused to cap rents, given billions in handouts to the wealthy property investors that stop renters buying their first home, approved new coal and gas projects and they are backing the invasion of Gaza. We know Dutton would be worse. 

    That’s not what our community is about. We are one of the most compassionate, progressive communities in the country. It’s time to send Labor a message.  

    We should be represented by someone who shares our values, not a politician who is reliant on corporate donations and won’t act on the things that matter.

    If you’re disappointed in Labor, and you don’t want Peter Dutton, vote 1 Greens.

    I’m fighting to take on the big corporations, stop their price gouging and tax them to fund the things everyone needs. I’m fighting to stop new coal and gas and end the invasion of Gaza. 

    Change is possible, the first step is voting for someone who will fight for you and the things you believe in.