ACT weighs in on container deposit scheme


“Recycling and waste minimisation is an issue of great importance for the ACT, especially as we experience growing problems with costly landfills, depleting natural resources and the economic and environmental costs that come with extracting those resources,” said Mr Rattenbury.

“The fate of container deposit schemes is a key, current recycling issue and Governments right across Australia need to take action.

“Three large beverage companies have recently used a legal challenge to shut down the Northern Territory’s popular container deposit scheme. Its fate now depends on all State and Territory Governments supporting a change to the law. This ACT Greens motion ensures the ACT will support that change.

“The ACT Greens also support a national container deposit scheme, which would benefit the ACT and all jurisdictions. The long awaited Federal Government’s decision is expected soon, and all States and Territories need to keep the pressure on.

“Disappointingly the Canberra Liberals sided with the ‘Big 3’ beverage companies and rejected the call to improve recycling, despite the significant evidence that container deposit schemes reduce unsightly litter, improve recycling rates, and save overall costs to the community.

“It is important that the ACT Legislative Assembly plays its part to progress and promote recycling and waste minimisation practices in the ACT and across Australia,” Mr Rattenbury concluded.

Statement ends