Duncan Voyage

My name is Duncan Voyage and I have a vested interest in the Epping community because it’s where my family call home. I love this area and I want to see it grow in a way which inspires other people to be part of the Epping community too. I want to keep the area accessible for newcomers and not price out the next generation from living here.

I am running because Epping needs to think about our future. On every corner there is development unchecked and unorganised - constructing profit for a few instead of the community infrastructure we need. We need to fight for sustainable energy choices, and access to affordable housing, as well as appropriate education opportunities to grow the next generation of North Western Sydney.

Living across this country, I have come to learn what separates communities from suburbs is the access to spaces for people to be people without burden or responsibility. Essentially, access to well-resourced and reliable public amenities is crucial for fostering inclusive and equitable communities. I will fight for free, public spaces as I have seen the positive effect, they have to bridge social and economic gaps, fostering a sense of belonging across the community. Parks, libraries, and town centres, our basic services provide areas for people to exist outside their homes, enhancing their quality of life, and improving mental and physical well-being.

We need to remove financial barriers from accessing public services. This is important across the spectrum of our lives and something I face daily as a parent. From well-resourced public schools, effective medical system with access to bulk-billing GPs, and reliable public transport, opportunities for our communities follow.

  • A right for every student to have a world class education at every level of study without being crippled by debt allows them to innovate rather than working to get by.
  • Reliable public transport means people have access to Epping and Epping has accessed to the jobs, universities, entertainment, art and culture found across the greater Sydney Region.
  • Wait times continue to be a persistent issue across GPs, where we find an inability to maintain a reliable connection with one doctor. I will do more to support medical practices and ensure the health of our community is a priority.

Removing financial barriers, places the ownership on the State to ensure the standard rather than a user pays model. Taking the burden away from individuals and families allows them to prioritise wages on what’s important and eases the financial stress we see labeled as the cost of living crisis and put in the too hard basket.

My experience serving Australia in both the Australian Defence Force and with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has taught me the importance of understanding the viewpoints of many and resolving the challenges we face with compassion. I will serve our community with integrity and tenacity to ensure Epping moves forward and grows as one community rather than simply a collection of suburbs.

I am proud to be your Greens candidate. The Greens are a group of locals who care and who put a lot of time and effort into making Epping, New South Wales and Australia the best it can be. Our policies are made by us, without influence from corporate donors. Our Greens Councillor Phil Bradley has helped shape Parramatta into a progressive, more sustainable city. With your vote, we can add to the strength of the Greens in government and provide a progressive Epping voice in the Legislative Assembly.