About Greens NSW

Greens NSW is a political party based on four key principles: ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy, social justice and peace and non-violence.

We are proudly member driven - a grassroots movement of people with shared values, working together to create a fairer, more peaceful and sustainable society.

Greens NSW is also part of the Global Greens network, which includes around 70 Greens parties established worldwide. Find out more about the Global Greens at our Global Greens page.

We are committed to working both inside and outside parliament to create an ecologically and economically sustainable future, and a society that provides opportunities for all people as well as support for those who need it.

As well as representing constituents, The Greens speak on behalf of those who wouldn’t otherwise get much of a say inside parliament: children, refugees, students, individuals and families living in poverty and, of course, our natural environment.


Our story

Since The Greens’ beginnings more than 30 years ago, we’ve grown into a party that stands up for the environment, our society, and always for what’s right.

Our Four Pillars

The Greens are founded upon four pillars of Ecological sustainability, Grassroots participatory democracy, Social justice, and Peace and non-violence.


The Greens NSW is comprised of 60 autonomous Local Groups. Our constitution governs how our confederation works as a whole.


Australian Greens Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
To raise any issues of sexual harassment concerning The Greens, please contact the National Manager or the National Co-Convenors or call the National Office on 1800 017 011.

Greens NSW Policy on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Harassment
To raise any issues of sexual harassment concerning Greens NSW, please contact the NSW Co-Convenors or call the State office on 02 9045 6999.