Announcing: Todd Williams for Solomon


Announcing: Todd Williams for Solomon

The NT Greens have announced that their candidate for the seat of Solomon in the 2016 Federal Election is Todd Williams.

Todd has been a Darwinite since 1970 and has been prominent in the local creative industries for over thirty five years. He ran for the Greens in the 2013 poll and is keen to once again lock horns with the CLP's Natasha Griggs and Labor's Luke Gosling. 

His uniquely formal Territorian education began at the red dust oval of Millner Primary and ended with an Arts Degree at NTU.  

In this time, Todd has seen big changes in the Territory economy.  The focus on the exploitation of fossil fuels has sidelined the opportunities for the Territory in the renewable energy industries.

"We've recently seen, with the plunging economic value of gas, that our economy is vulnerable to market forces that will bring an end to the fossil fuel era. There is change in the air.  Territorians are already refusing to be bullied by the NT Government and energy companies about fracking in the NT "

"Instead of banking on 20th century technology, we should be capitalising on our natural solar advantage. The Territory can, and should, lead the way in fast-tracking industrial development in renewable energy micro-grids on NT communities, and major large-scale solar projects.  This means jobs, local skills and the potential for major international investment.' 

Mr Williams says the electorate of Solomon's has always been  'Australia's front door', and remembers seeing the refugee boats chug into Darwin harbour in 1979.

"Our treatment of asylum seekers in this country is an international disgrace.  A compassionate country does not operate concentration camps on remote prison islands. Jailing asylum seekers trying to find safety and a future in our country is cruel, unnecessary and expensive.  Having desperate people locked-up out of sight in our city is disgusting".

"Our position in the world has also seen a shift in the international geopolitical landscape.   The Territory is being used as a bombing range and a play-pen for the American military. We should be alert to how the build-up of foreign troops will impact on our community".


Todd Williams, 0402-795-007