Candidate for Solomon hails the closure of Wickham Point detention Centre


Todd Williams, the Greens candidate for the seat of Solomon in the upcoming federal election, has welcomed the imminent closure of the Wickham Point Detention Centre. ‘These “alternative places of detention” or (APODs) are a blight on our community and amount to further psychological abuse of desperate people who have sought refuge in our country,’ he said. ‘The Chief Minister and the CLP have are complicit in this cruel regime that has no place in the city we love and value.  Building an economy on the abuse of human rights is a revolting concept, and history will judge these leaders very poorly.’ Mr. Williams has in the past been part of DASSAN’s visiting program and has heard the sobering stories of Iranian and Tamil asylum seekers. ‘These normal people are fleeing persecution beyond our imagination and the recent self-harm through immolation in Nauru is a reflection of the despair Australia has inflicted on people seeking a safe and stable life in our country.’ ‘Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers is a national disgrace and should be stopped immediately.’