Cleaning Up the Territory


Greens Candidate for Braitling Dalton Dupuy today set down his plan for how to get Territory politics back on track.

Mr. Dupuy said, “After observing the understandable reactions to the national uncovering of the cruel practices and possible corruption this present government allowed, I am buoyed by how Australia and our community have come together to respond. It shows great heart! It tells me the people want an equitable government and good process.”

The three key pillars of the Greens candidate’s plan are:

1. Parliamentary Leadership: parliamentarians must set the standard. The Greens want an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) to ensure transparency and accountability

2. Respect for all people: The Greens support inclusion of all people and Treaties with Territory first nations

3. Environmental stewardship: The Greens recognise that a healthy environment underpins the Territory’s future

Mr. Dupuy said: “We start with our own values. The Greens have a wonderful charter which brings out the best from people. The Greens also have a tried and true process of consensus which allows people to express themselves in a constructive way, everything that needs to be expressed and decisions are then made without rancour or trouble.”

“I believe that, when it comes to our First Nation’s people, the process of negotiating Treaty will help remedy many of the recent issues that have been shown by the media. Let’s start that sooner than later.”

The Greens fully support an ICAC for transparency and equitable government.

“If the Greens are voted in, I can guarantee, the Independent Commission Against Corruption will ensure honest government and transparency of how they conduct their activities. The lack of transparency and the very obvious wheeling and dealing we’ve seen under this present government needs to be identified properly and stopped. Harmonious and unified communities are what we need, and they can be achieved through justice and just systems.”

“Central Australia’s environment is our greatest asset, but it is under great stress,” says Mr. Dupuy. “We need to support industries and a knowledge base that provide protection and stewardship for our environment.”

“Not only is there technology available for clean energy sources that do not destroy our precious land and water, there is a very great knowledge base available about how best to look after the land and water. The Greens and I fully support the implementation of clean energy technology and, for an example of stewardship, The Indigenous Ranger program.”

“When you Vote #1 The Greens,” says Mr. Dupuy, “you are expressing great values and good process of fairness, protection and good stewardship for the Earth, it’s people and all that dwell on her.”