CLPs removal of third party merits review a threat to democracy



The repealing of the third party merits review process by the CLP Government poses a serious threat to transparency, procedural fairness, and the rights of the public and in particular the rights of Traditional Custodians. This process acts as an important measure to ensure industry standards are met and that developments do not cause serious damage to the environment or to sites of significant cultural significance.

Quotes attributable to Kat McNamara MLA, Member for Nightcliff

“The CLP Government is attempting to demonise a process that actually increases transparency and accountability in government decision-making. Far from being ‘deliberate sabotage,’ third party merits reviews offer a vital avenue for fairness, protecting vulnerable communities and the environment.”

“What the CLP Government fails to acknowledge is that third-party merits reviews, even when unsuccessful, often result in crucial adjustments that strengthen protections for the environment and sites of cultural significance. It’s about ensuring that all the facts are considered, and the right decisions are made for the long-term good of our communities and environment.”

“The decision to restrict legal avenues for challenging harmful decisions is a direct attack on the rights of First Nations communities and the public at large. It leaves people with little recourse to protect their land, their culture, and their future.”

“The CLP is prioritising the profits of large corporations over the wellbeing of everyday people. They claim that merits reviews create uncertainty, but what they really mean is that they don’t want to be held accountable for decisions that benefit big business while harming our environment and communities."

"The removal of merits reviews represents a dangerous shift away from responsible governance and will make it harder for ordinary people to have their voices heard in decisions that affect them. The government’s actions are a clear step backward for democracy and transparency in the Northern Territory."