Dirty coal unchecked - this stinks


The Greens candidate for the seat of Solomon Todd Williams has called for Natasha Griggs to declare her hand on climate change, as her colleague, Minister Greg Hunt justifies this week in court his decision to approve the Adani coal mine in Queensland.

“It seems incredible that our Federal Minister tasked to protect the nation’s natural heritage is in court, fighting to dig up coal and push it through the Great Barrier Reef,” he said.

“Ms. Griggs has, like us, sweated though a record number of 35 degree days during the last wet. CSIRO warn that without decisive action, Darwin could exceed 300 days a year over 35 degrees before the end of the century. The Top End could become almost unliveable for our kids as they get older.”

“We cannot pretend that our coal doesn’t stink. Huddled as we are in this global elevator, we are all going to suffer if we’ve fed everyone super-charged baked beans.”