Greens question farming and fracking compatibility


The NT Greens have called into question the NT Government's commitment to horticulture.

Last week the Labor Government launched a prospectus identifying horticulture opportunities throughout the Northern Territory.

NT Greens spokesperson Marli Banks says ”This is completely incompatible with the industrial threat facing our precious, finite water resources. Expansion of the onshore gas industry through unconventional fracking poses unaffordable demands and unacceptable risk to those local water resources."

"The horticulture industry, like all Territorians, depends on clean, reliable water. We've seen in other jurisdictions that farmers can struggle to co-exist alongside thirsty, dirty frackers.”

“Ken Vowles, NT Minister for Primary Industry and Resources, has a ministerial responsibility to work with all water users to protect our shared resource."

The NT Greens are calling for a restructure of the NT’s economy around clean, renewable energy.

"Renewable industries and technologies that can live alongside horticulture should be given priority.”