Greens support Indigenous rangers


The candidate for Solomon Todd Williams today called for Natasha Griggs to match the Greens support for the Indigenous Rangers program.

“Governments have always banged on about 'real jobs' on Aboriginal lands, yet programs such as the Indigenous Ranger program, which combines traditional knowledge with 21st century technology, have yet to have their funding guaranteed beyond 2018,” he said.

“Yesterday Ms. Griggs stood grinning with the Prime Minister and witnessed an important milestone for Larrakia people at the Kenbi handover.  If she is serious about representing all the constituents of Solomon, she needs to state her support for this important program.”

“There are sixteen Larrakia Rangers involved in a number of important projects in the Darwin area such as soil testing research, marine conservation and even crocodile spotting for Inpex,” he said.

'The way forward requires more support for capacity building in management skills, and a preferential system in the awarding of contracts for local organisations such as Larrakia Nation.”

The Australian Greens have committed to doubling the number of Indigenous rangers across Australia, provide contracts to be extended to 15 years, and a long term target of 5000 rangers established nationally.