Jodi launches campaign to be community voice in Council


Wednesday 3 July 2017

Today Jodi Lennox is launching her campaign to be the voice of the community in Alice Springs Town Council.

“I decided to run for Council because I believe that the community should have a say in the decisions that affect their lives. Business as usual is just not good enough. We have a vibrant community full of people with ideas and suggestions for the future of our town - I want to be their voice on Council,” said Jodi Lennox.

“Our Town Council should reflect our community. Women make up 51% of the Alice Springs community, and yet make up only a quarter of our Council. We need more women on Council to ensure the voices of women and girls are heard when decisions are made.

The Northern Territory Greens have endorsed public health worker, environmental campaigner and advocate for young people, Jodi Lennox as their candidate for the Alice Springs Town Council.

“I am running as a candidate with the Greens because they are the only party who will stand up to big business and big polluters to keep our water and land safe from fracking. We live in one of the sunniest and windiest places in the world, if I’m elected to Council I will fight to keep Alice Springs frack-free and to power our town with clean and cheap renewable energy.

“The Greens believe in putting the community first and protecting the environment we rely on for our food, water and livelihoods. 

“I am very excited to be standing as a candidate this Council election. If you’re a small business owner trying to get started and struggling to find support, or a young person looking for a job, or an innovator with an exciting new idea about how to make our town even better - I want to hear from you, and be your voice on Council.”