NT Greens respond to North East Gas Interlink announcements


The NT Greens have denounced the North East Gas Interlink pipeline project, which they describe as "enabling infrastructure for broadscale fracking across the NT".

Todd Williams, a spokesperson for the party, warns that the pipeline would "tie the territory economy to the dying days of fossil fuels".

"This month the world's leaders, meeting at crucial climate talks in Paris, will address the clear fact that over 80% of remaining fossil fuels must stay in the ground if we are to avert catastrophic run-away climate chaos." said Mr Williams.

"For the territory to remain focussed on exploiting as much as we can before imminent limits are set betrays the Territory's commitment to play our part."

"Gas is a dirty old fossil fuel. Instead of misdirecting public investment to the death throes of a 19th century industry, Territorians should capitalise on our rich solar resource advantage to take a leading role in the inevitable renewable industries already taking place around us."

"Fracking is rightly rejected by communities around the Territory who see their clean water is worth more than polluting energy's last few years of profit."

"We stand with Territorians, from Wagait and Coomalie to Boroloola and the Centre, who have declared their communities frack-free, and want to be a part of advancing inevitable alternatives."