Tangentyere Town Camp Youth Hub funding cut


Quotes attributable to Asta Hill- Greens Candidate for Braitling:


“This is another example of a total lack of transparency about how important decisions, with real consequences, are made. Our community is left scratching their heads. What were the key findings of the evaluation? What will it take to have some transparency, some certainty and some stability under this government?”


“We’ve been subjected to a snap, knee-jerk curfew. It came with a promise that this would be followed by long term measures to address the underlying drivers of crime in our community, like homelessness and poverty. Instead, the first thing we’ve seen is another knee-jerk decision to scrap funding to a service that provides food, shelter and community connection to young people in need.”


“Communities are best placed to know what their kids need - the government must look to  the strength of these communities to overcome barriers to youth engagement. This funding and policy whiplash is a kick in the guts to those working to build strength, resilience and hope in these communities.”


“All kids deserve a safe & stable place to be and to rest. All kids need to know where their next meal is coming from. When we don’t provide these things, why are we surprised when kids fail to meet goals, or act out?”



Email: office@nt.greens.org.au

Asta Hill, candidate for Braitling: 046149625