
Gambling can cause serious social and economic harm to people, families and communities. An evidence-driven public health approach is required to prevent and minimise gambling harm.



The NT Greens believe:

  1. Gambling harms people, families and communities and disproportionately affects the most marginalised in our communities.
  2. Years of self-regulation and voluntary codes of conduct by casinos, pubs and clubs have failed to protect the public against gambling harms.
  3. Casinos, pubs, clubs and other gambling interests should not have influence on gambling policy.
  4. Gambling legislation and policy is currently too focused on profit creation for casinos, pubs, clubs and government. 
  5. Minimising gambling harms should always be the first priority in gambling policy.
  6. An evidence-based public health approach to gambling policy is required to prevent and minimise gambling harms.
  7. Free and accessible specialised support services should be available for anyone who experiences gambling harms.
  8. Poker machines are the greatest source of gambling harm and are too easily accessible throughout the NT.
  9. Poker machines are a significant source of money laundering and corruption. 
  10. Online gambling is an increasingly significant source of harm and must be regulated to reduce gambling harms.



The NT Greens want:

  1. All gambling legislation and policy to reflect an evidence-based public health approach that aims to prevent and minimise gambling harm.
  2. An independent statutory authority, like the Liquor Commission, to regulate gambling in the NT, including the granting of poker machine licences.
  3. The tax rates on all forms of gambling in the NT to be significantly increased and revenue directed to independent research into prevention and minimisation of gambling harm.
  4. Governments to reduce their dependence on gambling revenue.  
  5. Free and accessible specialised support services to be available for anyone who experiences gambling harm, which are directly funded by tax revenue from gambling.
  6. The advertisement and promotion of gambling, especially sports betting, to be prohibited.
  7. New gambling technology or services, or amendments to existing forms of gambling, to undergo a public health and gambling harm impact assessment and a public submission process.
  8. Casinos, pubs, clubs and other gambling interests to be banned from donating to political parties, and restricted in their lobbying of politicians and government. 
  9. Poker machines to be phased out from pubs and clubs in the NT and the number of poker machines in casinos to be capped.
  10. All poker machines to be cashless, subject of high-integrity identity checks, and players to be required to make betting pre-commitments.
  11. Poker machines in the NT’s pubs, clubs and casinos to be independently monitored for corruption and money laundering.
  12. No new casinos to be built in the NT and existing casinos not be permitted to expand in size.