Tasmanian Greens Donations 2023/2024

The Tasmanian Greens are committed to open and fair politics. As part of that commitment, we publish the details of donors whose total donations to the Tasmanian Greens was $1,500 or more during the 2023/2024 financial year.


Bill Harvey $2000
John Barrenger $2000
John Barrenger $2000
Duncan Turpie $25000
Keep Them Honest Pty Ltd $20000
Frank Rosol $6600
Vica Bayley $6500
Rosalie Woodruff $6500
Allan Rees $5000
Tom Hall $5000
Bill Harvey $5000
Michelle Warren $5000
Simon Hackett $5000
Trudi Disney $2500
Ray Mainsbridge $2500
Nick McKim $2000
Rosalie E Gorton-Lee $1810
Robert James Brown $1600
Glenn Millar $1590
Brooke Mason $1500
Holly Mason $1500
Geoffrey Couser $1500
Anna Pafitis $1500
Donna Burton $1500
Sharon Connolly $1500
Thomas Polacheck $1500
Robert Walker $1500
David Ross Abbott $1500
Geoffrey Bradshaw $1500
Michael Honey $1500
Michael Thomas $1500
Vanessa Bleyer $1500
Brett Thorn $1500
Carl Mason $1500
Nicola Mason $1500
Daniel Mason $1500
M J Fox  $1500