Our shared beliefs, and the outcomes the Greens are fighting for are outlined here, in our policy principles and aims – building on the philosophy of the Greens, set out in our charter and constitution, and by the four pillars.
These documents are developed, agreed on, and reviewed triennially by Greens members through a democratic grassroots process that gives voice to our movement.
As an expression of the Greens' values, these principles and aims don't just underpin our costed election platform, they lie at the heart of the work done by the Greens in parliament, and in community.
- Greens Election platform for the 2025 Federal Election
- For State/Territory polices and First Nations Network policies refer to State, Territory & First Nations Greens sites
Sustainable agriculture is fundamental to supporting rural communities, which are a vital part of Australian society, and to ensuring a healthy, sustainable, se…
Too many animals suffer and experience neglect, mistreatment, cruelty, injury and death as the result of human activities. We must properly care for animals and…
Arts and Culture
Artistic and cultural expression and engagement are fundamental aspects of what it is to be alive, and are crucial to social wellbeing. Principles The Aus…
Banking and Finance
Australia’s banking sector is among the most concentrated in the world, and requires Government intervention to ensure this does not harm the community, custome…
The natural world has an inherent right to exist, thrive and evolve. To maintain Earth's life support systems and prevent further extinctions, it is essential t…
Children and Young People
All children and young people have a universal and immutable right to agency, safety, bodily autonomy, privacy, education, housing, social support, mental and p…
Climate Change and Energy
The climate crisis is negatively impacting all aspects of modern life, contributing to disruption of ecosystems, biodiversity and human societies through sea le…
Community Participation and Civil Society
Community participation in decision-making should be an ongoing process, and participants should be free of the fear of retribution. Principles The Austra…
Constitutional Reform and Democracy
Parliament should serve the best interest of all Australians, not just those who can afford to buy influence. All citizens have the right and the responsibil…
Corporate Governance
Corporate activity should consider the concerns and interests of all stakeholders — shareholders, employees, business partners and society. Principles The…
Digital Rights and Information Technology
Information technology and the internet are now core parts of our daily lives and, for many of us, core parts of our personal identity. This has brought extraor…
Disability Rights and Services
Disabled people, as well as their families, carers and nominees, should be able to actively participate in policy, service planning and delivery. Principles …
Early Childhood Education and Care
Early childhood education and care is an essential service which should be free, universally accessible and publicly funded. Principles The Australian Gre…
Economic Justice
The economy must be equitable, serve the needs of everyone and provide the best chance to meet the challenges of the future. Principles The Australian Gre…
A strong public education system for all stages of life is key to building a just and cohesive society. The opportunity to learn unlocks potential, reduces ineq…
Employment and Workplace Relations
Working people need more security, higher pay and fulfilling work that is supported by a fair and equitable industrial relations system and the right collective…
Environmental Principles
The natural world has rights to exist, thrive and evolve. Human beings are part of the natural world, and all forms of life on Earth deserve our respect. Pri…
First Nations Peoples
The Australian Greens want First Nations peoples to have self-determination over their own destiny, to prosper and achieve the aspirations they have for their l…
First Nations Peoples: Truth, Treaty, Voice
All Australians must understand the past of Australia’s history and its ongoing impact on First Nations people before we can all move forward as a healed countr…
Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women
Women have the right to equal respect, responsibilities, opportunity and outcomes in society and the right to enjoy equality to men in all spheres of society an…
Genetically Modified Organisms
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their products, and the chemicals used to manage them, may pose unacceptable threats to ecosystems. Principles The …
Global Economics
A global economic system that promotes environmental sustainability, human rights and a decent standard of living for all. Principles The Australian Green…
Health is affected by physical, mental, cultural, and social well-being, as well as the presence or absence of disease or impairment. Principles The Austr…
Housing and Homelessness
Safe and secure housing is a human right. Secure, appropriate, safe and affordable housing is a crucial determinant of health and wellbeing. Housing policy must…
Human Rights
Universal human rights are fundamental and must be respected and protected in all countries and for all people. Economic, social, cultural, environmental, civil…
Immigration and Refugees
Australia has humanitarian and legal obligations to accept refugees and reunite families. Australian society benefits from immigration. Principles The Aus…
Industry and Manufacturing
Governments must play a central role in promoting, coordinating, and developing, a diverse range of industrial activities, and in ensuring they are sustainable,…
International Affairs and Global Cooperation
Australia must act diplomatically to promote peace, democracy, ecological sustainability, equity and justice, and human rights. Principles The Australian …
International Development Assistance
International development assistance is an issue of justice that should address the inequitable global distribution of wealth and debt that is the result of neo…
Everyone has a right to a safe, peaceful and ecologically sustainable existence, free from crime and fear of violence, including that exercised by the state. …
Marine and Coastal Areas and Fisheries
Ecosystems-based management is the most sustainable and appropriate model for the management of Australia's marine territories. Principles The Australian …
Media and Communications
Freedom and diversity of the press, and accessible media and communications systems are integral to a successful democratic society. Principles The Austra…
Mental Health
Mental health and wellbeing depend on the complex interactions between the social, environmental, psychological, physical, biological, economic, political, cult…
All people, regardless of culture, religion, language, or place of birth, have equal rights economically, socially and culturally. Multiculturalism in Australia…
Natural Resources: Forests and Mining
Management of natural resources that takes into account intergenerational equity, biodiversity, conservation, the principles of free, prior and informed consent…
Nuclear and Uranium
No nuclear power, weapons or mining. Future generations must not be burdened with toxic nuclear waste for which there is no safe disposal. Principles The …
Older People
Older people have the same rights as all other adults to participate in social, economic and political aspects of life and to maintain control over their indepe…
Peace, Conflict Response and Veterans
The Australian Greens are committed to building a peaceful and just world, seeking nonviolent means for resolving conflict when it arises. Where violence and mi…
Planning and Transport
Well planned infrastructure and transport systems are required to sustainably accommodate and move people and goods across urban and regional Australia. Consult…
Public Service
The public service plays a crucial role in building a society that works for everyone. Our public services must be empowered to deliver quality services, policy…
Reducing Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Harm
Harm minimisation policies are those directed towards reducing the adverse health, social and economic consequences of drug or substance use. Principles T…
Science and Research
Successful and prosperous societies promote a culture that greatly values and supports science, engineering, innovation, enterprise and creativity. Governments …
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex
All people have fundamental human rights and are entitled to equal protection under the law without any discrimination, including on the basis of sex, sexual or…
Social Services
A socially just, democratic and sustainable society requires the provision of an unconditional liveable income, complemented by the provision of universal socia…
Sport and Physical Recreation
Sport and physical recreation are important cultural elements for many communities in Australia, especially in First Nations, rural and remote communities. P…
Waste management policy should adopt a zero waste goal to conserve natural resources for future generations. Waste management is a global challenge, and Aust…
Water and Inland Aquatic Environments
Water is a common good and access to clean water is a human right. Water should be managed in an ecologically sustainable way to meet environmental, cultural, s…
- Greens Election platform for the 2025 Federal Election
- For State/Territory polices and First Nations Network policies refer to State, Territory & First Nations Greens sites