ASIO head deserves better than attacks from Liberal backbenchers


The head of ASIO deserves better than criticism from ill-informed Liberal backbenchers, Greens spokesperson for Legal Affairs Nick McKim says.
“ASIO Director General Duncan Lewis is quite right to point out that fuelling a backlash against Muslims makes it harder for ASIO to do its job, and to call for a more temperate tone to the debate,” Senator McKim said
“Mr Lewis’ comments should send a very strong message to Liberal backbenchers to refrain from stirring up racial tension for partisan political purposes.”
“We back Mr Lewis’ national security expertise over that of the extreme right wingers in the Liberal Party.”
“If the head of ASIO believes that immoderate comments on Islam make it harder for the agency to do its job, we should all take that on board.”
“The Greens still maintain that there needs to be a greater focus on social cohesion, and working collaboratively with community leaders to address radicalisation and improve relationships between people from different cultures in Australia.”