Attorney-General George Brandis offers no evidence for draconian laws


Attorney-General George Brandis has been unable to offer any evidence to support his proposed changes to Australia's so called anti-terrorism laws.
Australian Greens spokesperson for legal affairs Senator Nick McKim said the Government should explain to the Australian public why it wants to put control orders on children as young as 14.
“When asked to provide evidence to show that further erosion of Australia's civil liberties would make Australians safer, Senator Brandis could not do so,” Senator McKim said.
“He again attempted to link the changes to the tragic recent shooting in Parramatta, despite there being no evidence that the perpetrator was known to authorities, and the Prime Minister yesterday admitting that COAG had been discussing the changes for months.”
“These changes erode fundamental rights that Australians have fought and died for, and Senator Brandis has manifestly failed to make the case for change.”
“It is simply not good enough for Senator Brandis to say, ‘trust us, we’re the government’.”
"It is also hard to escape the conclusion that this is about electoral politics, rather than community safety.”