Australia's Humanitarian Intake


Prime Minister Turnbull has confirmed overnight that Australia’s humanitarian intake will remain below 2012-13 levels, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.
“All Mr Turnbull has done is confirm the government will lock in a reduction to Australia’s Humanitarian Program from 2012-13 levels,” Senator McKim said.
“Of course his silence on a resolution for people detained indefinitely on Manus Island and Nauru remains absolutely deafening.”
“We already knew that Australia’s 2018-19 Humanitarian Program would be 18,750. For the PM to try to spin his decision to lock in a reduction as a positive story is breathtaking in its hypocrisy.”
“The international community is not going to fall for this, and neither are the Australian people.”
“Australia can afford to do much more by significantly increasing our Humanitarian Program, investing in safe regional pathways for people seeking asylum, and playing a constructive role in international efforts to respond to the escalating crisis of displaced people around the world.”
“The fate of our fellow human beings on Manus and Nauru is a humanitarian crisis created in Australia’s name, and remains a weeping sore on Australia’s international reputation, but neither Mr Turnbull nor Mr Dutton seem to have any idea how to respond.”
“We cannot address the humanitarian crises of the world by creating new ones, but that is exactly what Mr Turnbull is doing.”
“There has been extraordinary human suffering as a result of this government’s policies, not to mention the extraordinary financial cost of keeping people in offshore detention.”
“And despite the government’s lies to the world, we know that people are continuing to risk their lives by trying to get to Australia by boat.”
“Australia could afford to be far more generous with our humanitarian intake if we stopped wasting billions of dollars on our deliberately punitive offshore detention regime.”