Budget Lets Down Students by Failing to Invest in their Future


The Federal government has badly let down Australian students, teachers and schools by failing to restore Tony Abbott’s school cuts, and providing only a pittance in extra funding for children with disability, Greens spokesperson for Schools Nick McKim says.
“This is a dismally unfair budget that lets down Australia’s students and fails to invest in our future,” Senator McKim said.
"Malcolm Turnbull has restored just 4% of Tony Abbott’s $30 billion cuts to schools and wants a round of applause from the public."
“He has abandoned year 5 and 6 of the Gonski funding in exchange for class warfare between the private and public sectors.”
“Mr Turnbull’s extra funding of $118 million for students with disability is a drop in an ocean of need, and does not go nearly enough to support the hundreds of thousands of students who have been identified as needing support by the government’s own data collection process.”
“A better budget would have ensured that every student in every school got a fair go.”
“The Greens have already committed to the full funding of the Gonski reforms along with a much needed $4.8 billion investment in students with disability.”