Cape Grim will send a message to the world on climate change


Senator Whish-Wilson said, "Cape Grim is the world's sentinel for measuring the atmosphere's carbon dioxide levels. When Cape Grim records 400 ppm it will mean that the entire planet's atmosphere will have passed a critical marker.
"Cape Grim has been measuring carbon dioxide levels for the last 40 years and is the only measurement station of its type in the Southern Hemisphere.
"This next week or two will be the last time in the life of every Tasmanian alive today where the carbon dioxide levels will be under this marker.
"The last time that carbon dioxide levels were this high sea-levels were six metres higher than today.
"If 400 ppm was a blood alcohol reading then we would be heading for an inevitable car wreck.
"Australia needs to be acting with the world towards reversing the dramatic rise in greenhouse gases. Both Labor and Liberal climate policies are woefully inadequate and won't get us back on track for a safe climate.
"This statistical event is a reminder that Tasmania's scientists are the eyes and ears of the world when it comes to climate change. The staffing decisions for Cape Grim by the CSIRO management are yet to be made and our capability in this area is still under threat," he concluded.
Media contact: Tim Beshara 0409 164 693