Chocolate money in the pork barrel leaves a bad taste for Tasmania


The cynical rebranding of old money is a transparent electoral ploy by a government desperate to hang on to its marginal Tasmanian seats, Greens Senator for Tasmania Nick McKim says.
“The majority of this funding was Tasmanian Forestry Agreement money that has now twice been promised to the state by the Liberals in election campaigns,” Senator McKim said.
“This money is long overdue, and not nearly enough to make up for the chronic underinvestment by the Liberals, especially in health and education.”
“But instead of supporting projects across the state, the Liberals have decided to make a desperate and transparent attempt to save the skins of their underperforming marginal MPs.”
“No wonder Tasmania is seen as too parochial when decisions like this keep getting made on the basis of political self-interest.”
“Only the Greens have the courage and vision to stand up for Tasmanians, no matter where they live.”