Companies risk reputational damage with offshore contracts


The four companies that have expressed an interest in multibillion-dollar government contracts for detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru should be aware of the reputational harm  of being associated with policies of cruelty and harm.
A Senate estimates question on notice from Australian Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim revealed Serco, Decmil Services, Canstruct and Ostwald Bros have expressed interest in taking over the major contract for Australia's offshore detention centres.
"These may be lucrative contracts in financial terms, but they carry with them significant reputational risk,” Senator McKim said.
"And as Broadspectrum and Wilson Security have discovered, ethical investors can put financial pressure on companies who get involved and behave poorly."
"The Greens urge these companies to think long and hard before deciding to buy into Australia's detention centres."

Media ReleaseImmigration and Citizenship