Control Orders On Children Will Not Make Us Safer


Australian Greens spokesperson for Legal Affairs Senator Nick McKim says the Turnbull Government’s latest attack on civil rights will do nothing to make Australia safer, and risks encouraging further radicalisation in our community.
The proposed changes would mean children as young as 14 could be detained for up to 28 days without charge, as well as facing severe restrictions on their movements and associations.
Senator McKim said the changes undermined Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s break from the divisive language of his predecessor.
“Mr Turnbull promised a new approach with a focus on social cohesion – but disappointingly this response shows that his rhetoric masks the same law and order agenda that Tony Abbott engaged in,” Senator McKim said.
“These changes would fundamentally weaken some of the hard-fought rights and freedoms we enjoy as Australians.
“Locking up children for a month without charge runs contrary to the rule of law and the presumption of innocence.”
“There’s no evidence that these kinds of measures will make our community any safer, and the government has manifestly failed to make the case for these changes.
Senator McKim said the changes could be in breach of Article 37 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
“The right not to be detained without charge is not something we should trade away lightly, and that especially goes for our children,” Senator McKim said.