Dutton admits failure over Manus Island


The release of the recent communication guide for Manus Island detainees shows Immigration Minister Peter Dutton remains without a plan to deal with the centre's imminent closure, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.
"The guide makes it clear that the government has no plan whatsoever for refugees who do not wish to settle in Papua New Guinea and are unable to return to their countries of origin," Senator McKim said.
"The only reasonable outcome is to bring all Manus Island detainees to Australia, in line with our moral and legal obligations."
"Many detainees have been stranded in Australia's custody on Manus Island for years, and nothing in this guide provides any hope that the government is prepared  to provide a solution."
"The guide offers nothing new for the overwhelming majority of detainees who have been found to be refugees, and remain in limbo." 
"This is yet more evidence of an incompetent minister with no plan, no compassion and no idea."