Dutton must be sacked over DIBP maladministration


Peter Dutton must be sacked and his department cleaned out because of ongoing and serious human rights abuses and financial maladministration, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.

"The latest audit has uncovered years of maladministration at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, and the Minister needs to take responsibility," Senator McKim said.

"In addition to widespread human rights abuses including torture, we now know of the unauthorised expenditure of billions of dollars of public money, and the suspicious disappearance of footage of incidents in immigration detention centres."

"In response to a report that identified massive failures on his watch, the incompetent Mr Dutton could only blame others."

"He is not fit to be a Minister and is clearly incapable of delivering basic standards of governance."

"He should be sacked, and a broom put through his department to fix the obvious cultural and administrative failings."

Media Release Immigration and Citizenship