Dutton must intervene to help pregnant woman on Nauru


Immigration Minister Peter Dutton must immediately intervene so a pregnant woman on Nauru suffering serious health problems can receive medical assistance, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.

"I have today written to Mr Dutton seeking his urgent intervention in this case," Senator McKim said.

"Medical specialists have demanded that she be immediately brought to Australia to receive the care she so desperately needs."

"It is really sad that we need to ask the Immigration Minister to show basic humanity to people who are in his care."

"To expose an innocent person and increased risk of significant harm and death just to make a point is cruel and completely beyond the pale."

"There is enough blood on this government's hands - it is time for them to show some basic humanity and do the right thing."

The Hon. Peter Dutton
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Re: Pregnant Kuwaiti refugee in need of urgent medical attention

Dear Minister Dutton,

As you would no doubt be aware, there is a detainee who has sought asylum in Australia and is currently on Nauru who is heavily pregnant and facing significant medical risk to herself and her unborn child.

I understand that the woman is over 35 weeks pregnant with her unborn baby in breech, has a large tumour on the wall of her uterus and has a history of miscarriage.

I also understand that some Australian obstetric specialists have expressed the strong opinion that she should be brought to Australia and provided with the specialist medical facilities and expertise necessary to maximise the chance of a positive outcome.

I am at a loss to understand why you have not intervened to ensure that she is been taken to a place that has medical facilities and expertise appropriate to the condition of her and her unborn baby.

Could you explain why you have not intervened in this case to ensure the best possible medical support is provided?

More importantly, will you immediately arrange for her to be brought urgently to Australia to receive the medical care necessary to deliver the best possible health outcome for both the mother and her unborn baby.

If you are not prepared to do so, can you inform me of the specific medical advice on which you have relied to refuse this request.

For pity's sake Minister, we are dealing with one of our fellow human beings who has been harmed by Australia and who is in need of urgent specialist support and facilities. Please show some charity, compassion and humanity here and take the action that has been suggested by me and many others.

Yours Sincerely

Nick McKim
Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania

Media Release Immigration and Citizenship