Effects Test a challenge of leadership for Scott Morrison


The ACCC’s submission to the Options Paper on strengthening the law against the misuse of market power has again made it abundantly clear that an effects test is needed, Greens spokesperson for Competition Policy Nick McKim says.
“Mr Morrison’s attempt to delay the issue by setting up an options paper has only created more evidence of the need for an effects test,” Senator McKim said.
“As the ACCC said in its submission, current competition laws are inadequate for dealing with strategic land banking, retaliatory threats, capacity dumping and vexatious legal action.”
“There are serious examples of anti-competitive behaviour by big corporations which are not prevented under current laws.”
“This is a clear test of the Liberals’ leadership – will they stand up for a level playing field for small business, or will they again kowtow to the lobbying of major corporations?”
“The effects test is an important reform and the Greens stand ready and waiting to pass this reform during the current term of Parliament.”