Final Budget of Abbott-Turnbull government lays bare the economic policy failures for Tasmania


Greens Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, says that last night’s Federal Budget is an admission of failure by the Liberals to deliver for Tasmania's economy.
“First the Government wound up their $6.5 million employment incentive aimed at attracting 2000 jobs; it ending up employing just 160 people.
“The Cadbury’s $15 million grant was a farce from beginning to end. A cent of the money has been yet to be spent despite the Government’s term effectively being over.
“The Tasmanian Major Projects Unit has done little more than occupy an empty office in Launceston  and produce brochures on how to apply for development funds.
“The Joint Commonwealth and Tasmanian Economic Council has rarely met and when it did nothing came from it.
“And now the Government has ditched the failed work-for-the-dole package that was introduced by Senator Abetz and was a favourite for Tasmanian Liberal MPs to use as an opportunity to pose for media photos. Its axing is the final acceptance that the program was punitive to young people and was extraordinarily expensive at getting anyone into work.
“It wasn’t long ago that the Tasmanian Liberals were trying to pass legislation that would have removed income support for any young unemployed person in Australia.
“A Damocles Sword of deregulation still hangs over the University of Tasmania, which if brought back will lead to campus closures and higher fees.
“Tasmania’s economy stabilised because of the collapse in exchange rates, however almost 5000 jobs have been lost in the last twelve months. Tasmania needs a real economic transition plan and the Liberals have completely failed to even kick start this.
“The complete lack of vision and courage Tasmanians have seen from the Liberals over their time in government inspires no confidence in the future or their chances for re-election,” he concluded.