Funding for full Gonski package is critical


Full funding for all six years of the Gonski reforms is critical to ensure better educational outcomes for all students, Greens spokesperson for schools Senator Nick McKim says.
“The Gonski package is based on the fairest way to distribute resources on the basis of need, so that Australian children can have the best possible education, regardless of their background,” Senator McKim said.
“Given two thirds of the funding come through in years five and six of the agreements, the government must not attempt to weasel out of the Gonski reforms.
“Walking away from Gonski is not just a broken election promise, it is a slap in the face to thousands of students, parents and teachers.
“That Education Minister Simon Birmingham cynically announced this during the Christmas period, rather than being upfront with the Australian people, shows how ashamed the government is of its disgraceful record on school funding.”