Government Squibs it on the Effects Test


The Federal Government’s decision to squib the introduction of an effects test is disappointing but not surprising, Greens spokesperson for small business and competition policy Senator Nick McKim says.
“Professor Ian Harper’s report confirmed what has been known for many years – Australia’s competition laws are deficient,” Senator McKim said.
“Announcing yet another review is a weak response and an attempt to kick this issue out beyond the next election.
“We also know what small businesses, the ACCC, consumer groups and primary producers think, and that is that an effects test will help all businesses compete on a level playing field.
“Rather than caving in to the big business lobby, the Government could work with the Greens and pass the necessary changes in the best interest of businesses and consumers.”
“As former Small Business Minister Bruce Bilson recently said, if the effects test is not introduced, it is a victory for lobbying over logic, and a triumph of back-room political machinations over good economic policy-making for our country.”