The government's vendetta against Gillian Triggs


The prime minister's confirmation that Gillian Triggs will not be reappointed as President of the Human Rights Commission is the final indignity in a sustained campaign against an eminent Australian.
"Professor Triggs has faced a series of deliberate, politically motivated attacks for nothing more than doing her job," Greens Justice spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.
"Having failed to induce Professor Triggs to resign, the government has resorted to sacking her."
"She should regard the way she has been treated as a badge of honour."
"The Australian people owe Professor Triggs an enormous debt of gratitude for her outstanding  and courageous work defending human rights in our country."
"Malcolm Turnbull is a craven prime minister who is yet again doing the bidding of the far right of his party."

Media ReleaseAttorney General