Greens call on Morrison and Joyce to come to Tasmania to face the music on the backpacker tax


Greens Treasury spokesperson and Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, says that Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison need to take responsibility for the backpacker tax mess and come to Tasmania immediately to see first-hand the impact this tax will have on the Tasmanian economy.
Senator Whish-Wilson said, "This Government has made it clear its priority for this 45th parliament is so called 'deficit repair,' not the needs of small Tasmanian agricultural businesses.
“Rather than pursuing penny-pinching savings measures that will put at risk our world-class fruit growers, they should be pursuing real structural economic reforms that will raise revenue fairly.
"If Scott Morrison has the guts to front-up in Tasmania, I will have a cup of tea with him and offer to work with him on passing a suite of policies through the Senate that will not only raise tens of billions of dollars in revenue but will make Australia fairer.
“If this bungled  tax was being implemented by a Labor Government, Barnaby Joyce would be in Tasmania right now carrying a pitchfork and sticking it to the treasurer.
“But instead Joyce is in hiding on the mainland and offering mealy-mouthed platitudes about consultants’ reports and reviews. This is a stupid tax put forward by a mean-spirited government and Joyce has failed to stand up for his supposed constituency.
“I am calling on Minister Joyce and the Treasurer to visit Tasmania immediately to hear first-hand from local growers and the tourism industry about the damage this policy is already having. Rocking up to Tasmania once or twice a year when the heat is off, shows they are simply not that interested in Tasmanian issues,” he concluded.