Greens to push for Senate inquiry into Brandis' deal


The Greens will tomorrow move to refer matters associated with the Bell Group Companies Act (WA) to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee.
"The allegation that Senator Brandis instructed the Solicitor General to effectively run dead in the High Court are the most serious he has faced in a career that is strewn with misconduct," Greens Justice spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.
"We need to get Senator Brandis out of witness protection and into an inquiry where he can be questioned about these extraordinary allegations."
"On the face of it, this looks like a dodgy political deal involving hundreds of millions of taxpayers' money."
"We need to get to the bottom of what the government promised its counterparts in WA, and what Senator Brandis tried to tell the former Solicitor-General to do."
"Given Senator Brandis' record, the Greens have no faith in his capacity to be honest with the Australian people about what exactly happened."
"This entire affair needs the disinfectant of sunlight."

Media ReleaseAttorney General