Greens unveil plans for a more just Australia


The Greens will pursue an Australian Bill of Rights, stricter gun control and a rethink of Australian counter-terrorism laws in the next Parliament.
Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim today unveiled the party’s A Just Australia policy, which outlines a vision for a fairer, safer society.
“Australia remains one of the few western democracies without a formal Bill of Rights – leading to an erosion of civil liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom from arbitrary detention and the right to a fair trial,” Senator McKim said.
“The Greens are committed to enshrining a Bill of Rights in our Constitution.”
Senator McKim said the Greens would also call for a rethink of Australia’s counter-terrorism laws, and a 21st Century control regime.
“The development anti-terrorism laws has for the last decade been ad-hoc, reactionary and politicised by both the establishment political parties.”
“We would repeal Australian Citizenship Amendment (Allegiance to Australia) Bill and conduct a high-level Blue Paper to establish a better approach to our counter-terrorism laws.”
“Worryingly, there are now more guns in Australian than there were before the buyback scheme,” Senator McKim said.
“We need an urgent updating of the National Firearms agreement so dangerous, rapid fire weapons, like the Adler, are prevented from entering Australia.”
“The Greens will continue to stand up for a just, fair and safe Australia where rights and liberties are protected.”
