Greens welcome UTAS funding announcement


Australian Greens Senator for Tasmania, Peter Whish-Wilson, provides the following comments on the UTAS funding announcement today.
"The Greens welcome the announcement that the Coalition has belatedly joined Labor in its commitment to northern Tasmania via the promise of $150 million towards the UTAS campus and services revitalisation.
"We ask that the northern community keep an open mind to the prospect and potential of this UTAS investment and that all stakeholders work co-operatively to make this project a reality.
"Often with promises like these, made during the heat of an election campaign, the devil can be in the detail. We look forward to scrutinising the fine print of any future development and we remind all stakeholders that open and direct consultation and collaboration will be critical for success.
It is refreshing that both parties are now supporting serious investment in new economic industries that reflects more than just their traditional approach of ‘dig it up and chop it down.'
"A revamped UTAS campus in the north of the state with targeted education and employment opportunities should lead to more young Tasmanians enrolling, which is essential for our state's future prosperity.
"It is vital that the university redevelopment is not undermined by the Liberal's university deregulation agenda.
"The Greens have always opposed university deregulation and will continue to do so. We are committed to increased university funding to ensure that the maximum number of students can engage in higher education," he concluded.
---ENDS---Media contact: Tim Beshara 0409164603