Intelligence review should encompass entire counter-terrorism framework


A review of intelligence services should be broadened to consider the entirety of Australia’s counter-terrorism framework, Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim says.
“Any review of the role of our intelligence services is welcome, but Australia is long overdue for a broad inquiry into our approach to combatting violent extremism,” Senator McKim said.
“The development of ‘counter-terrorism’ laws has been politicised, ad hoc and almost completely devoid of evidence.”
“Civil liberties and privacy have been drastically eroded, without any demonstrated improvements to public safety.”
“Additionally, this Government and its predecessor have ignored independent recommendations to wind back laws found to be unnecessary and ineffective.”
The Greens went to the recent election calling for a Blue Paper process into Australia’s counter-terrorism strategy.
“A Blue Paper could allow for the development of counter-terrorism laws in a more transparent, evidence-based and strategic way,” Senator McKim said.
“It could also examine the most effective strategies to prevent radicalisation in young people, and put social cohesion front and centre in our response.”